Jun 25, 2024

Release v0.2

✨ Features

  • Label Rotation: Added option to rotate labels.
  • Custom Page Dimensions: New settings to customize page dimensions with the ability to save these preferences for all charts.
  • Default Dashboard Tab Naming: Dashboard tabs are now automatically named based on the chart type when left unnamed.
  • Save Charts as Images: Added a "toolbox" functionality to save charts as images and switch between different chart types.
  • Chart Customization: New options to adjust chart padding, dimensions, and font settings including family and size.
  • Sample Dataset Addition: Added a feature to insert a sample dataset into an extra Excel sheet for easy chart testing.
  • Legend Positioning: Introduced the ability to position the legend on the left or right side of the chart.
  • Hide Gridlines: Added options to hide horizontal and vertical gridlines.
  • [Bar Chart] Bar and Category Gap: Added the ability to set bar and category gaps in percentage values.
  • [Bar Chart] Total Bar for Bar Charts: New feature to include a "total bar" in normal and stacked bar charts.
  • [Scatter Chart]Zoom to Data Range: Added an option for scatter plots to zoom into the data range for enhanced visibility.
  • [Line Chart] Boundary Gap Removal: Added an option to start line charts directly from zero.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Whole Column Selection Error: Fixed the issue with selecting an entire column by showing an informational message instead of an error.
  • Bar Gap Slider Label Issue: Corrected a bug where the bar gap slider label changed to a percentage value when adjusted.
  • JSON File Naming: Updated JSON file naming for single charts to start with "Grafly" for clearer identification.
  • Single Data Point Handling: Fixed the issue causing errors when only one data point was selected, ensuring charts display correctly.
  • Hyperlink Security Warning: Updated method for opening generated HTML charts in the default web browser to avoid the Microsoft Excel security warning.